Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Stash Video Games and Grab Your Pole

Too many children and young adults (even adults, too) spend far too much time in front of a lifeless, monotonous television screen, playing video games that add little to nothing to their lives.  What values are learned from pressing buttons and playing games that are, for the most, created with predetermined endings.  Is it any surprise that obesity, underdeveloped critical thinking skills, and delayed gratification are so largely absent from today's youth?  Well, when parents and teachers allow students to literally vegetate in the same place, doing the same exact thing, learning only how to differentiate between different character names in the very same plot lines ... Well, is it a surprise why these same kids struggle to perform in school and at jobs?

Take your son or daughter fishing.  Make yourself leave the house.  Even if you only visit a local pond and spend some quality time with your child, it's far superior to repeating the same events without any real benefit to you, them, or society in general.   Fishing, in contrast, like so many other sports, teaches individuals how to think while on the move, how to analyze and utilize one's environment for success, how to work with other people from different backgrounds, and how to win and lose gracefully.

Go fishing, people.  Include your family members.  Enjoy the moment.

Here's to you or your child catching the fish of your dreams as opposed to catching graphics in some game attempting to replicate actual fishing.

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